Rua Ministro Orozimbo Nonato, nº 102, 1º andar, Torre B - Vila da Serra - CEP 34006.053
Nova Lima - MG
Telephone: (31) 2138.7000
Alameda Santos, 2224, 4º andar, Cerqueira César - CEP 01418-200
São Paulo - SP
Telephone: (11) 3434.7000
Founded in 1990, our firm, Sette Câmara, Corrêa e Bastos Advogados Associados, holds a prominent position among the country’s biggest law firms due to its excellence in providing legal services, as a full-service firm, covering the entire spectrum of practice areas, providing expert legal advice, drawing up opinions, identifying potential litigation risks, monitoring court cases or administrative proceedings and providing advocacy before governmental bodies and such courts as the Small Claims Courts (civil, consumer and criminal cases), State Courts, Federal Courts, Labor Courts, from trial level to appellate level. With its main office located in Belo Horizonte, it relies on...
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